Planning Your Visit

Planning Your Visit

We welcome you to be our guest at any time, whether you live in Fredericksburg, are vacationing in the Hill Country, or are just passing through. When you do come, don’t hustle off just after the last “Amen” is said. We’d love to shake your hand, learn your name, and find how we can share life with you.

Churches of Christ are autonomous – that means each congregation is under its own leadership and probably does some things differently than other congregations. We don’t compare ourselves with or model ourselves after any other congregations and what they do or don’t do. We’re trying to do our best to love the Lord our God with our heart, soul, mind, and strength and also to love our neighbors. Our prayer is that when you’re with us, you’ll see that our love is deeper than words, that our faith is based in the pages of Scripture, and that our hope draws us – and our guests - to want to walk with Jesus.


Times and Places

Sunday morning class – at 9:30 AM classes meet in various locations on our campus, assembled by age (for a list of current classes, see our Bible Classes & Education page).

Sunday morning assembly – we meet together as the church at 10:30 in the auditorium for about 75 minutes (more details below).

Wednesday – classes begin at 7:00 PM. Adults meet in the Auditorium and teens in the Youth Center. 

Bible Classes

We believe the Bible is the foundational, Spirit-breathed document of the Christian life, vitally important because it points us to Jesus, who – in turn – shows us God the Father. Because the Scripture is so important to us, every Sunday (9:30 AM) and Wednesday (7:00 PM) we offer Bible classes for adults and teens. There are several children’s classes, a youth/teen class (6th grade and up), and two adult Bible classes (on Wednesday, all the adults meet in the Auditorium). The kids’ classes are in the Children’s Wing and the Teen Class is in the Youth Center. One of the adult classes meets in the living room of the Office building and the other meets in the Auditorium.


Congregational Assembly

On Sunday mornings (10:30) we have our general assembly of the church, which usually lasts about 75 minutes. It’s a time of joy, reflection, learning, and togetherness.

We begin with a song that calls us together in worship, share a few important family and community announcements, take a moment to greet our neighbors and find our seats, and then continue through a series of songs, psalms, prayers, and devotional comments. All of our singing is vocal (a cappella), just like it was in Bible times; we are built up by the whole congregation “singing to one another,” rather than just being sung to by a few musicians. Our repertoire of songs is increasing as we learn and sing new and old “psalms, hymns, and spiritual” songs from across the years. All of our songs are projected onto a large, easy-to-see screen with slides that display the songs’ lyrics and the notation.

We will share the Communion (you may have heard it called by other names, including “Lord’s Supper” or “Eucharist”), a tangible memorial of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and a hopeful confession of his return.

Following the Lord’s Supper, we will take up a collection. These funds are used in many different ways: supporting local benevolence (e.g., helping our neighbors with utilities, groceries, or other immediate needs), support of orphans, support of foreign and domestic missionary works, support of our local evangelists and ministers, support of our youth programs (e.g., events, summer camps), special events (congregational retreats and outreach events), to name a few. Any member may ask any elder to see a financial statement at any time.

A 25-minute sermon is preached, using the Bible as its text – some sermons are topical, some are textual; most are preached in a series from week-to-week. Usually, sermons will conclude with an “Invitation” and an “Invitation Song,” a chance to respond to the teaching of the sermon just heard, to express a desire to be baptized into Christ, to ask for prayers, or to share the burden of your heart with the congregation.

After a final hymn and a dismissal prayer, the congregation is sent into the world to live the mission of Christ.

All of this is intended to give honor and praise to God as we bring our hearts and minds together for spiritual growth (I Corinthians 14:26), encouragement (Hebrews 10:24), and provoking one another to love and good works (Hebrews 10:25).


What about my kids?

We love kids! We understand that the sound of children crying, babbling, dropped toys, and even the occasional outburst is part of growing up. If these sounds are ever silenced, it means that the church has no children and that would be a sad situation indeed. We choose to love the sound of life!

We have a Children’s Training Room (Nursery), just adjacent to the Auditorium. There you’ll find rocking chairs, changing stations, and access to the restroom – all in a private setting.

We do not have a “Children’s Church” separate from the main assembly. We believe that strong families worship together and that children who come to maturity in church have not wasted their time being together with their family.

Lastly, here’s a great article about bringing your kids to church. We hope you’ll read it and decide – as we have – that “in church” is a great place to raise a family.



Some people feel more comfortable in a suit and tie, some people feel comfortable in shorts and a tee shirt (and most of us are somewhere in between). We want you to know that there’s no dress code, nor formal attire required at the Fredericksburg Church of Christ. The Bible teaches us to dress modestly. While this does mean we should dress in such a way that we’re not objectifying our bodies by putting them on display, it also means we’re not using the way we look to advertise or make a point about wealth and social status.

In short, we ask that you dress in a way that shows respect for yourself, others, and God.


As You Leave...

If you are a seeker wanting to know more about the Christian faith, please see one of our ministers after the conclusion of the assembly. We would love to investigate the claims of Christianity with you. Please fill out one of the attendance cards and hand it to one of the ministers so that we can reconnect with you about your questions at a good time.

If you are new to our congregation or looking for a church home, please let us know how we can help you settle in to the community or find a way to connect within the congregation. Please fill out one of the attendance cards and hand it to one of the ministers so that we can reconnect with you at a convenient time.

If you’re a member of the church just visiting for the morning, we do hope you will have found your time at the Fredericksburg church to be a home-away-from-home, warm with fellowship and rich with encouragement. Thank you for making the effort to join us.